An Employer’s Guide to Setting New Year’s Resolutions for Work

We often think of goals and resolutions as an internal practice, something that only affects us and doesn’t really have anything to do with other people. At times, this is accurate, but it isn’t always the case.
Resolutions and goals can also be about people besides yourself, and as an employer, you have the ability to use your resolutions to radically (and positively) transform your overall work environment. Though this might sound a little daunting, it’s a simpler process than many think.
The key to incorporating sustainable positive change in the workplace is to clearly identify what needs to change (from your perspective as well as your employees’) and then follow through with results-focused action.
In this article, we’re going to walk you through how you can set new year work resolutions that not only benefit you and your employees but the workplace overall.
The importance of workplace resolutions
When someone mentions New Year’s resolutions, what do you picture?
Maybe resolutions that revolve around working out more, eating more nutritious foods, saving more money, or stopping drinking or smoking? These are among the most common goals people set, but they aren’t the only types of goals out there: one of the most underrated categories is workplace resolutions.
Workplace resolutions are important because most of us spend an average of one-third of our lives at work based on an article from FreshBooks. That’s a lot of time, more than enough to make how you spend that time matter in terms of your overall health and well-being. Resolutions help us keep our time and relationship with work purposeful, productive and fulfilling.
Examples of new year work resolutions
The best resolutions for your team are going to be the resolutions that are best for your team.
It’s easy to just do a quick search online for the “best new year work resolutions,” but those suggestions will only do you so much good because they’re general options, they may not be a good fit for your employees.
We’re going to provide you with a list of potential goals and resolutions below, but they’re only suggestions for you to consider in reference to how your specific team and workplace functions.
Here are resolutions that both employers and employees can benefit from:
- Stepping outside during breaks instead of just sitting at the desk (or on your phone)
- Taking frequent “screen breaks” to give your eyes and brain a rest from the blue light
- Providing more well-rounded support to employees (mentor programs, plenty of time off, an empathetic ear, permission to leave when necessary)
- Keeping the workplace professional and drama-free
- Reducing overtime for more quality time with loved ones and/or personal passions
- Reading a career-related or motivational book (that you’re actually interested in)
If you’re having trouble figuring out which resolutions would best benefit your employees, ask them. You can create an anonymous poll for them to submit preferences too, or email out a list of potential office improvements and see what the majority is interested in.
You can also send us a message and we’ll walk you through how to bring about this lasting change in the workplace.
Start achieving your goals today
Mazzitti & Sullivan EAP specializes in equipping employees and employers of all levels with the education, tools and resources they need to foster the ultimate working experience.
Our diverse selection of EAP services is designed to help you, the employer, build strong relationships with your employees and clients alike. By changing your own approach to managing the workplace, you can massively improve the quality of the work atmosphere, lead to higher employee satisfaction rates (which reap great benefits such as reduced turnover rates) and more.
We fully tailor our services to meet the specific needs of your organization and work culture, and it is through our master-led counseling sessions, an abundance of resources and connection to a like-minded community that sets you and your recovery up for success.
Send us a message or call our office directly to receive personal guidance today.